Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Indian in the... Dishwasher?!

Though the toy Indians seen in Indian in the Cupboard are not available in the numbers they once were, they still appear in interesting places...

This morning, I was reading Huff Post's "Uncommon Items to Put in the Dishwasher" and item #2 is a plastic toy Indian. Here's a screenshot:

Where, I wonder, did they get it? How and why did they choose it over something else?!


Betsy McEntarffer said...

Unfortunately they are available in big plastic bags at the dollar stores in our town. They come in bright red or green pretty much like they did when my brothers played with them in the 1950s. Wonder if some wise teacher is using all of them now as teaching tools?... hmmm I wish.

Debbie Reese said...

Someone at Huff Post had to go to a dollar store to get it. Did they really do that? Or, did someone have one at home in a toy box?

I use them when I'm teaching or doing workshops. A colleague, Michael Yellow Bird, has an excellent article about using them in his college course.

In 2010, I shared excerpts from his article. Titled "Toys of Genocide," it generated several comments about the toys.

Here's the link: