The American Library Association announced its awards today. Affiliated with the ALA is the
American Indian Library Association. They, too, announced their awards today.
Picture book...
Tim Tingle's Crossing Bok Chitto: A Choctaw tale of Friendship, published by Cinco Puntos Press, illustrated by Jeanne Rorex Bridge.
Middle School...
Joseph Medicine Crow's Counting Coup: Becoming a Crow Chief on the Reservation and Beyond, published by National Geographic
Young Adult...
Sherman Alexie's The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, published by Little Brown, art by Ellen Forney
These are TERRIFIC books, and I hope that every school and public library in the United States and Canada order multiple copies right away. And if you're not bound by specific agreements to buy books from a jobber, please order them from Oyate.
Congratulations to the all those involved in bringing these wonderful books to us!
I want to congratulate the winners, and let event planners know that Tim Tingle came into children's literature from the storyteller community and is a great speaker. We're both from central Texas, and I've heard him at Texas Book Festival and other events. It also may be useful to note that Tim's published work includes the acclaimed Walking the Choctaw Road, which is targeted at young adults.
Thanks for spreading the word on these books!
Fabulous choices and fabulous books. Thanks so much for posting these awards.
It's great to hear about these awards! Thanks for the post.
Thanks for all your background information; I am a high school librarian who tried to get your blog site unblocked from our district's access but have sent out info for our teachers to check it out at home.
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