Rasmussen Reports called my home a few minutes ago... I guess the information I gave them will be folded into the next "Daily Presidential Tracking Poll."
Among the questions asked was one where my choices were:
African American
Asian American
Why isn't "American Indian" or "Native American" among the options?
I was asked a slew of questions about favorability, party affiliation, age, gender, education, issue I am most concerned with...
And the final question of "if the election were held today, who would you vote for? Press 1 for Obama, and 2 for McCain."
I pressed 1 for Obama. I am among First Americans for Obama.
I'm also following the campaign of Denise Juneau. She's running for State Superintendent of Public Instruction in Montana. Juneau is tribally enrolled with the
Three Affiliated Tribes. Those tribes are the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara. Juneau's opponent calls Juneau "a young Indian."
Did reading that last sentence give you pause? It should, but I'm not surprised if it didn't. Try substituting "a young Indian" with, say "a young Black." Her opponent is saying "Vote for me (white woman)! I'm running against a young Indian." Indian Country Today ran a
piece on Juneau.
I've written before on this blog about Montana's
Indian Education for All initiative. As director of Indian education in Montana, Juneau has oversight for the initiative. It is a model worth looking at.
I hope Ms. Juneau prevails.