Saturday, June 15, 2024

Finally! I got to see myself at City Lights Book Store!

Earlier this month, my mom, and my little sister and her husband were visiting us in California. We went to San Francisco one day. I pulled up Google maps to see where we were and peered at the map because it showed we were near City Lights Bookstore. Last year, the bookstore installed a set of banners about banned books on their exterior wall. My face was part of it. I hadn't seen it yet. So--when I saw we were nearing the store, I said "let's go see!!!!" 

Then I realized we were on the very street where the bookstore is located. With some glee, I said "we're on that street!" and we five started looking at the buildings and... there it was! I snapped a photo from the back seat where I was sitting:

We parked in a nearby garage and walked over. My little sister's reaction makes me smile, remembering it. She told a person who was passing by, "THAT'S MY SISTER!" And of course, they looked up at the banner and at me, and smiled at us and our giddiness. My husband took a photo of us three:

And I asked a person to take one of us all (my mom is on the far left, then my husband, me, and my little sister. In front is my brother-in-law). 

It was such a joyous moment for us all! (For details, see Debbie Reese featured on Banner at City Lights Books.) 

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