Tuesday, August 29, 2023

It's Marcie Rendon!

Some time back I did a series of posts about Native illustrators whose work was being used in unusual ways -- like the city bus that features the work of Marlena Myles. 

Today on social media, I saw a photograph of a billboard. I paused and exclaimed "That's Marcie!" Here's what I saw: 

Photo credit: American Indian Community Housing Organization

Marcie is holding a copy of Sinister Graves which is the third book in her mystery series that feature a young woman named Cash Blackbear. 

The photo was shared on social media by the American Indian Community Housing Organization (AICHO) in Duluth Minnesota. They organization's post said:
"We can sing our hearts out, tell our stories, paint our visions." Quote by Marcie Rendon, White Earth Band of Ojibwe Nation tribal member and award winning author, poet, and screenplay writer. This billboard is now up on display next to AICHO's building in Duluth on 2nd Street for four weeks.

Miigwech, Marcie Rendon, for sharing your Indigenous stories that remind us who we are as a people, for advocating for women and issues that impact Indigenous peoples, and for all that you write!

To find more out about Marcie Rendon: www.marcierendon.com

Miigwech to McKnight Foundation for funding this and AICHO's Cultural Arts themed billboards and helping AICHO to promote, uplift and showcase Indigenous authors and artists.

I met Marcie at least ten years ago and have been reading what she writes since then. Below I'll share covers of some of her books. Go to her site and you'll find more she's written. When I read what she writes, I feel the stories. What I mean is that I know Native people like the ones she has in her books. Their good moments and the not-good ones, too. There's an intangible quality in her stories that may be possible because of her good heart. 

Let's start here. Listen to Marcie in this video:

Now, some of her books! This is her non-fiction picture book, Powwow Summer with photographs by Cheryl Walsh Bellville. 

Read her short story, "Wonder and Worry," in this middle-grade anthology:

I adore her story "What's an Indian Woman to Do?" in When the Light of the World was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through -- an anthology edited by Joy Harjo that should be in every English lit course in high schools across the country.

And here's the Cash Blackbear series. They're for adult readers but I wouldn't hesitate to share them with older teens. 

Look for and read her books. And if you're in Duluth, snap a photo of the billboard and share it on your social media accounts. And tag me if you can (I'm debreese on Twitter). 

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