Thursday, June 06, 2019

Recommended! I CAN MAKE THIS PROMISE by Christine Day

I've read and most definitely recommend I Can Make This Promise by Christine Day. A review is forthcoming. Here's the description:
In her debut middle grade novel—inspired by her family’s history—Christine Day tells the story of a girl who uncovers her family’s secrets—and finds her own Native American identity.
All her life, Edie has known that her mom was adopted by a white couple. So, no matter how curious she might be about her Native American heritage, Edie is sure her family doesn’t have any answers.
Until the day when she and her friends discover a box hidden in the attic—a box full of letters signed “Love, Edith,” and photos of a woman who looks just like her.
Suddenly, Edie has a flurry of new questions about this woman who shares her name. Could she belong to the Native family that Edie never knew about? But if her mom and dad have kept this secret from her all her life, how can she trust them to tell her the truth now?

The cover art by Michaela Goade is stunning!

Day and Goade are Native. The book comes out on October 1st. Order it today!

AICL is pleased to recommend
I Can Make This Promise


  1. Oh my gosh! Love the cover art, too. It's on my TBR and to be purchased for the 2019/2020.

  2. @wordglass from twitter here, and blessed be you Dr. Reese for doing this work. My family is reading it now.

    -Mari, Ojibwe Writer, mom, Nakawēkwe.
    (formerly @cyborgN8vMari before JKRowling's fans found me.)



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