Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sexy Indians...

As soon I wrote the title for this post, I realized it will probably generate a lot of hits from people looking for porn...  As I said last year, Meyer's books (amongst other problems) are like soft porn. Recently I was e-talking about Twilight with Brian Y., a Dine (Navajo) student at Yale. Something he said reminded me of covers on Cassie Edwards books. So here, just for fun, are two "sexy Indians" in the "moon" genre of best selling....  best selling.... hmmm...  I won't call them literature...  I don't recommend either author, by the way...  Meyer or Edwards. Save your money.

Brian is working on a paper. Hopefully, he'll let me quote from it...  In it he makes some astute observations about the appeal of New Moon...


  1. Hmm, that's how I got here. So where do I go to find real sexy natives?

  2. Your comment, Eric, made me laugh out loud. A much-needed out loud belly laugh.

  3. ah, the wild passion of the non-white races...and their perfect naturally-arrived at abs!

  4. i just have to say, if you think the twilight books are "soft porn," you either haven't read them or don't know what soft porn is. Judy Blume is soft porn compared to Stephenie Meyer. There's no sex until the last book, and that's only after they're MARRIED and there is no description of the sex...just a before and after.

  5. I also find your use of the "soft-core porn" curious and pretty inaccurate, especially since one of the biggest critiques of the novels are that the characters abstain from sex (many find that unbelievable). What pages and/or passages are you using as evidence? And are you referring to the novels or the films?



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