Friday, September 04, 2009

SLJ's "Writer's Against Racism"

Amy Bowllan, a blogger at School Library Journal, is running a series of interviews called "Writers Against Racism." My interview was posted September 3rd. Please take a look at the entire series.  Don Tate's interview is definitely worth a look. There, he says "racism lied to me."


  1. Debbie, thank you for participating. There's so much to learn and I appreciate you sharing your insights. My e-mail is down today, and I will gladly add you to my blogroll. Feel free to send me more links. I hope you have a great day.

  2. Thanks so much for your posts. They always lead me to a trove of books to highlight on my blog. This post led me to another which led me to the list you had of some really good books on Native Americans. I've scheduled them throughout the upcoming months on writers of color blog spot. Am super-appreciative. Thanks so much. -C

  3. Great site and i enjoyed your interview. I just want to say how much I appreciate your writing and reviews. I wish there were a site for American Indians in adult lit. Or maybe you know of one?



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