Wednesday, January 09, 2008


News to me, but very cool news!

Alexie's 2nd YA Novel: Radioactive Love Song"

So far it is only listed with Amazon Canada, with a pub date of Sep 09...

Publisher is Little Brown...

Interview with him at Pop Candy says:

Well, after the success of this book, do you plan to work on more young-adult fiction?

I will be delivering another one soon. I can tell you the title of it: Radioactive Love Song. It's about an urban Indian kid's epic odyssey in a car with an iPod stuffed with his mother's favorite love songs.

Note: Over on the right side of this page, down at the bottom, I've added a new section called "Reese's Get---Reject List" in response to lot of questions I get along the line of "what shall I get instead of..."

1 comment:

  1. Exciting news! Thanks as always for keeping your readers in the loop, and for all the hard work that you do, Debbie. And thank you for profiling and urging others to read My Name is Sepeetza (I was so happy to spot it among all your other excellent recommendations). Your work is important and critical.



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