Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Debbie Reese (me!) on CUNY's INDEPENDENT SOURCES

Finally had a chance to watch the segment that CUNY's Independent Sources asked me to do with them about children's books and Thanksgiving. My belly is always in knots when I do something like this. But! The people I worked with there are terrific. Thanks, Nicole and Zyphus! I think it turned out great and hope AICL's readers will take a few minutes to watch/share it, and of course, get the books I recommend!

Scroll down to see the video. Here's some screen captures of it. I'm sharing them because THEY LOOK SO COOL!

And here's the video:


  1. Wow, Debbie! What an amazing conversation! In a short amount of time, you got across all the important points without having to argue or push back against ignorance. And the moderator was actually hearing what you had to say. Mad respect!

  2. Thanks for this interview. Very timely for us in Juneau, Alaska because our school district recently adopted the McGraw Hill Reading Wonders Program. Unfortunately it doesn't include books like these. We are working to change that.



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