Sunday, November 18, 2007

Alexie on YouTube re DIARY

This is a must-view clip on YouTube. It was filmed November 3rd, when Alexie was in Texas for the Texas Book Festival. He was on a panel of YA writers. (Thanks to Jeff Berglund at Northern Arizona University for pointing to this.)


  1. Debbie, thanks so much for posting the U-Tube appearance of Alexie. It was terrific. I may have already mentioned that I read your work not just because you often post to LM_NET but because I briefly taught @ the Noli Indian School, of the Saboba Band of Luiseno Indians in San Juacinto, CA. Many Indian children/adolescents have great potential but the milieu @ Noli was too frightening to continue.

  2. thank you for featuring my video on your blog.

    tony gallucci

  3. Hearing Sherman Alexie talk was like being back reading the book again. I wanted more. And hearing his voice made the book even more real. Amidst the pain of losing 7 people in your family in one year, was an irrepressible joy for learning and being alive.

  4. Interesting video. I agree with the character in the book. You have to read any piece of information three times in order to remember the key points of it. :)



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